Genesis 45 - It's A Family Affair


Joseph couldn't contain himself any longer, so he ordered everyone out of his presence except his brothers. It was at this time that he revealed himself to them. He wept so loud that the Egyptians and Pharaoh's house heard him. Joseph said, "I am Joseph; does my father still live?" Joseph's brothers were so dismayed in his presence, they were speechless. He told them to come closer to him and when they did, he said, "I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt." He told them not to be grieved or angry with themselves for selling him because God sent him there to preserve their lives. Have you ever been in a troubling situation that you had to go through, not so much for yourself, but for the benefit of helping someone else? They already had been enduring two years of the famine because Joseph told his brothers that there will still be five more years with no plowing or harvesting. He said that God sent him there ahead of them to preserve a posterity for them in the earth and to save their lives by a great deliverance. So, it wasn't their doing, but God's plan. Sometimes when we're experiencing hardships and we can't make any sense of it, God could be allowing things to seemingly be falling apart so that He can make them fall into place. Joseph refers to himself as a "father to Pharaoh". So, I googled. Different commentaries stated that this meant that Joseph was a counselor to Pharaoh. Joseph attributed his success to God by stating that it was God who made him a father to Pharaoh and lord of all his house as well as a ruler throughout Egypt. He told them to hurry and go tell their father that God had made him lord of all Egypt and that he should come to him without tarrying. They, including their families, flocks, herds and all they have, would dwell in the land of Goshen to be near Joseph. He promised to provide for them all so they won't become impoverished during the remaining five years of famine. Joseph had to convince them that they were really seeing the brother they sold years ago. He told them to tell their father about all his glory in Egypt, all they had seen and to hurry and bring his father to Egypt. The brothers saw Joseph's glory, but they didn't know his story after they sold him. Joseph, while weeping, embraced Benjamin. Benjamin was crying too. Joseph kissed and wept over all his brothers. Afterwards, the brothers were finally able to talk with him. Is there someone that you need to forgive or with whom you should reconcile?

The report got back to Pharaoh about Joseph's brothers and he along with his servants were pleased when they heard it. Pharaoh told Joseph to tell his brothers to load their animals and depart for the land of Canaan to bring their father and their households to him. Pharaoh promised to give them the best of the land of Egypt. They would eat of the fat of the land. They were given carts for their wives, children and father in which to travel. They were told not to be concerned about their goods because they would be given the best of all the land of Egypt. Joseph did as commanded and gave his brothers carts and provisions for their journey. They also got changes of clothing. Benjamin got five changes of garments along with three hundred pieces of silver. Jacob was sent ten donkeys loaded with the good things of Egypt, ten female donkeys loaded with grain and food for the journey. Joseph told them not to become troubled along the way. So, I googled to get a better understanding. Most commentaries stated that Joseph was telling them not to start blaming each other for what they did and quarrel among themselves on the journey. I think they would have quarreled more about what they were going to tell their father regarding the lie he was led to believe about Joseph all of those years. They were going to have to convince their elderly father that Joseph is really alive and convince him to take the journey to Egypt.

The brothers left Egypt and returned to Canaan where Jacob dwelt. They told him that Joseph was alive and that he was the governor of all the land of Egypt. Jacob's heart almost stopped beating because he did not believe them. When they told him all that Joseph had said and he saw the carts, he began to believe them. Jacob accepted that Joseph was still alive and agreed to make the trip so that he could see him before he (Jacob) died.

Our next stop is Genesis 46.

To God Be The Glory!

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